Boasting thousands of fascinating species, the insect kingdom of Europe is largely a mystery. Join researchers as they enter this giant jungle of tiny creatures waiting to be discovered. It's a harsh but idyllic world of strange beauty and eccentric behavior, populated by tiny bloodsuckers and micro-cannibals in the form of iridescent jewel beetles, hundreds of types of bees, and a host of otherworldly insects. Despite their small size, these tiny inhabitants play a huge role in the larger ecosystem.
Many insects won't survive the winter. But thanks to these remarkable adaptations, their offspring will live on.
S1E1 • 2020 • Nature
Brace yourself for a gruesome trip into the world of predatory insects.
S1E2 • 2020 • Nature
With over 350,000 different varieties, these ancient insects make up nearly one-fourth of all known animal species.
S1E3 • 2020 • Nature