Jungle Animals • 2020 • episode "S1E1" World's Greatest Animal Encounters

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In Jungle Animals, viewers encounter gorillas and orangutans, killer pythons, delightful monkeys from three continents, awe-inspiring tigers and millions of land-dwelling red crabs. This episode explores Australia, the islands of Southeast Asia, Africa and the Amazon.

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World's Greatest Animal Encounters • 2020 • 6 episodes •

Jungle Animals

In Jungle Animals, viewers encounter gorillas and orangutans, killer pythons, delightful monkeys from three continents, awe-inspiring tigers and millions of land-dwelling red crabs. This episode explores Australia, the islands of Southeast Asia, Africa and the Amazon.

2020 • Nature

Wetland Animals

Wetland Animals dives into the swamps, rivers and flood plains of Florida's Everglades, Botswana's Okavango Delta, Kakadu National Park in Australia, the Amazon and more. Meet deadly crocodiles, alligators and piranhas, wading elephants, hippopotamus and flamingo, and unlikely swimmers such as the manatee and platypus.

2020 • Nature

Forest Animals

Forests and woodlands are the green lungs of the Earth and vital to mankind's survival. The air we breathe, the timbers we build with... the medicines we take. The list of benefits they provide is exhaustive. As is the list of other animals making a meal of these resource-rich environments.

2020 • Nature

Marine Animals

A look at marine wildlife around the world, Oceans cover more than 70 percent of our planet. This is where life on earth began. And where it continues to surprise those looking for animal encounters with bite. Scientists are discovering new species every day here, on our shorelines, on our reefs and out to sea. These watery wonderlands are home to the largest, and indeed many of the smallest, creatures on Earth.

2020 • Nature

Grass Animals

Wildlife that lives on grassland, Grasslands are the great stages of the natural world where large animals play out spectacular lives in a clear view of people. From the iconic African grasslands, the series showcases lions, leopards, elephants, rhinoceros, cheetahs, and impalas. Australian kangaroos, wallaby and the wonderfully odd potoroo join American bison and wolves in a grand tour of iconic animals.

2020 • Nature

Extreme Animals

A look at wildlife in hostile environments, including glow-worms, condors, thorny devils, emperor penguins and polar bears. High in the mountains, deep underground, out in the deserts and at each of our vast frozen poles, animals have had to develop extraordinary resilience to survive. There are many challenges faced by animals living in extreme environments. Superbly adapted to these inhospitable habitats, their fortitude and resilience.

2020 • Nature

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