In the darkest reaches of the Solar System, the dwarf planet Pluto lies in a previously unknown region of space until an underground group of scientists took on the establishment and sent a spacecraft to the most distant world that's ever been explored.
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The Viking missions to Mars may offer proof that life once existed there.
2019 • Astronomy
Experts aim to uncover what is hidden beneath Jupiter's violent storms. The story of how humans built machines that not only survived the perils of Jupiter, a massive and dangerous planet surrounded by a wreath of deadly radiation, but revealed its innermost secrets.
2019 • Astronomy
When a team of scientists have launched a space probe to the heart of our solar system in brand-new mission to our Sun, it makes fresh discoveries reveal how it works; along the way, experts uncover a surprise find on Mercury.
2019 • Astronomy
Venus is a hellish alien world believed to be impossible to extraterrestrial life; but new discoveries reveal shocking evidence within its deadly atmosphere and on its strange surface, all pointing to a possible future for planet Earth.
2020 • Astronomy
Saturn is the crown jewel of the Solar System. Using the latest discoveries, some of the world's top experts seek to unravel the mystery of why its extensive ring system exists and if any of its many moons could harbor alien life.
2021 • Astronomy
In the darkest reaches of the Solar System, the dwarf planet Pluto lies in a previously unknown region of space until an underground group of scientists took on the establishment and sent a spacecraft to the most distant world that's ever been explored.
2021 • Astronomy
The Solar System is home to a vast array of asteroids and comets with experts taking a journey deep into space to examine these mysterious wanderers in the search to reveal the origins of the universe and the human race itself.
2021 • Astronomy
From the raging inferno of the Sun to the icy beauty of Pluto, experts investigate the secrets that have lingered in the Solar System for billions of years in cutting-edge missions to infinity and beyond.
2021 • Astronomy
3,000- years-old, the Nebra Sky Disk is the oldest sky map in the world, predating Babylonian and Egyptian sky maps. Found in Germany, the Nebra Sky Disk is an archaeological mystery. Who were the people who designed this beautiful and functional ancient artifact with exact proportions?
17 • Cosmic Front • 2014 • Astronomy
NASA's brand-new Mars rover is on the hunt for alien life, and with the help of cutting-edge engineering, scientists embark on a search for fossilized remains, which might prove the Red Planet was once home to a vast ocean and extraterrestrial life.
Space's Deepest Secrets • 2020 • Astronomy
Right now researchers are hunting for extra-terrestrial life on several fronts. To find out just how close we might be to a breakthrough, astrophysicist Dr Graham Phillips visits telescopes, swims among the stromatolites on the remote West Australian coastline, and chats with scientists from around the world
S1E3 • Catalyst: Series 18 • 2017 • Astronomy
Astronaut Mike Massimino explores the mysterious oceans of the solar system, where the latest discoveries provide new clues in the search for alien life.
S2E15 • The Planets (US) • 2017 • Astronomy
Earth's journey through the universe is a perilous one, and new discoveries reveal that our planet is heading toward a mysterious area of the cosmos that could eject us out of the Milky Way and into oblivion.
S8E9 • How the Universe Works • 2020 • Astronomy
Cosmic rays capable of destroying human DNA are hurtling through outer space like subatomic bullets, causing space crews radiation damage
S10E2 • How the Universe Works • 2021 • Astronomy