Big Pacific • 2017 • 5 episodes • 4h:29m

The Pacific Ocean covers one third of the Earths surface. It is larger than all Earths land combined, holds half of our worlds water, and hides the deepest place on our planet. It is a place where huge and iconic, rare and dazzling creatures live and where creatures yet to be discovered lurk. The Pacific sees the most violent storms, creates the most powerful waves, and is powered by the strongest currents. It boasts the largest coral reefs and the richest kelp forests. Its submarine landscape plummets from sea grass prairies to the ultimate abyss, and its tropical seamounts starkly contrast with its massive ice floes. Over five cinematic episodes, "Big Pacific" breaks the boundaries between land and sea, moving throughout the Pacific Ocean to present a broad range of locations, species, natural phenomena and behaviors. Four of the episodes focus on an iconic characteristic of the Pacific: Passionate, Voracious, Violent, and Mysterious, to weave stories from across the Pacific that illustrate the multi-faceted character of this ocean.


Man has explored land, the oceans surface, and large parts of the solar system, and in the 21st century we are just beginning to explore the depths of the Pacific Ocean. We yearn to unravel the mysterious Pacific but she does not give up her secrets willingly.

S1E1 • 2017 • Nature


Surrounded by the Ring of Fire, the Pacific Ocean is the epicenter of natural mayhem. Violence is part of life in the Pacific and creatures that live here must choose whether to avoid conflict or rise to meet it.

S1E2 • 2017 • Nature


There is plenty of food in the Pacific Ocean, but it is the challenge of finding that food that drives all life in the Pacific. In the voracious Pacific we meet a destructive army of mouths, a killer with a hundred mouths and the biggest mouth in the ocean.

S1E3 • 2017 • Nature


In the Pacific, the quest to multiply has spawned a stunning array of unusual behaviors and adaptations. There are forest penguins with a tenuous marriage, the secret rendezvous of great white sharks, and the tale of male pregnancy.

S1E4 • 2017 • Nature

Behind the Scenes

Follow the adventures of the filmmakers behind "Big Pacific". This "Making Of" special explores the highlights and challenges of wildlife filmmaking.

S1E5 • 2017 • Nature