Spirit of Ubuntu • episode "S1E2" Aerial Africa

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Journey over the lands of South Africa. From mountains forged billions of years ago to mines full of riches, and from landscapes formed by Shaka Zulu to the Ubuntu philosophy, experience the beauty and spirit of this remarkable nation.

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Aerial Africa • 2017 • 6 episodes •

The Wild South Coast

The southern edge of Africa is a microcosm of natural and human history. It's where wilderness, ancient relics, and modern industry collide. Join us for a soaring look at Africa's Wild South Coast.

2017 • Nature

Spirit of Ubuntu

Journey over the lands of South Africa. From mountains forged billions of years ago to mines full of riches, and from landscapes formed by Shaka Zulu to the Ubuntu philosophy, experience the beauty and spirit of this remarkable nation.



Take flight across Botswana's sprawling Kalahari Desert, through the Okavango Delta, and deep into its dynamic history. During the journey, Botswana's history of ancient civilizations, notorious slave traders, and enormous wealth are brought to life.

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Western Cape

At the southern tip of Africa, where two oceans collide, the flat-topped Table Mountain stands guard over a diverse metropolis of cultures and people. Take flight over the Western Cape and discover the breathtaking wonder of this province from above.

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Soar over Namibia as we take you on a tour of an ancient world, from the oldest desert on Earth to the emerald green waters of the Kunene River. On the journey, we delve into the country's rich culture, reborn from the shadows of its past.

2017 • Nature


Join us as we fly the skies of Zambia. Explore natural wonders, sacred places, and one of Africa's most pristine wildlife sanctuaries. We also delve into the nation's complex past and its transformation into a proudly independent African nation.

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