The Milky Way: Island of Light • 2021 • episode "S1E3" Universe BBC

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A space mission discovers the dramatic history of the Milky Way. Professor Brian Cox reveals how our galaxy endured multiple collisions as rival galaxies fought for survival.

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Universe BBC • 2021 • 5 episodes •

The Sun: God Star

Since the first star lit up the universe, they have been engines of creation. Professor Brian Cox reveals how, ultimately, stars brought life and meaning to the universe.

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Alien Worlds: The Search for Second Earth

Professor Brian Cox questions whether we are alone in the universe. There might be more planets than stars in our galaxy - but will we find a second Earth?

2021 • Astronomy

The Milky Way: Island of Light

A space mission discovers the dramatic history of the Milky Way. Professor Brian Cox reveals how our galaxy endured multiple collisions as rival galaxies fought for survival.

2021 • Astronomy

Black Holes: Heart of Darkness

Professor Brian Cox journeys into a supermassive black hole - a monster that can destroy worlds and stop time, and which is forcing us to reassess our understanding of reality.

2021 • Astronomy

The Big Bang: Before the Dawn

It’s the ultimate question: why are we here? Cutting-edge space missions take us back 13.8 billion years to the very beginning – the origin of the Universe.

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