Unnatural Genius • 2020 • episode "S1E2" Becoming Human

Category: Technology | Torrent: | Subtitle:

Enlai explores how natural intelligence inspires artificial intelligence. He meets A.I. that is trained to think like artists, musicians, doctors, and scientists, and he learns how A.I. can outsmart us

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Becoming Human • 2020 • 4 episodes •

Artificial Love

Enlai explores if we can truly love artificial intelligence, and teach it to love us back. He meets impassioned love robots and chatbots trained on memories of people, living and dead.

2020 • Technology

Unnatural Genius

Enlai explores how natural intelligence inspires artificial intelligence. He meets A.I. that is trained to think like artists, musicians, doctors, and scientists, and he learns how A.I. can outsmart us

2020 • Technology

Coding Morality

Should a machine know right from wrong? Enlai explores how law, ethics, and spirituality shapes artificial intelligence.

2020 • Technology

Real Power

Who will have real power over artificial intelligence? Chua Enlai examines the pursuit of A.I. in America, China, Sweden, and Singapore.

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